Rabu, 28 November 2012

Kedatangan Mempelai Pria Surga Sudah Sangat Dekat

Kedatangan Mempelai Pria Surga Sudah Sangat Dekat

Ciri-ciri "Mempelai Wanita" yang siap dijemput Mempelai Pria Surgawi - Yesus Kristus:
  1. Dewasa rohani/memiliki karakter ilahi/karakter Kristus dalam kehidupannya
  2. Hatinya suci/murni/bersih 100% di hadapan Allah
  3. Mengenakan jubah putih (hidup di dalam iman, hidup yang selalu 'dibasuh' dalam darahNya, hidup dalam kebenaran dan kekudusan Allah)
  4. Memiliki roh/jiwa juang yang sangat tinggi/pengharapan yang sangat tinggi kepada Mempelai Pria
  5. Harus 'harum'/mengenakan 'parfum/wangi-wangian' tanda pengurapan dari Roh Kudus (penuh dengan Roh Kudus)
  6. Rela berkorban segalanya bahkan setia sampai mati
  7. Tidak ada tipu pada mulutnya
  8. Memiliki hati yang sangat mengasihi dan taat kepada Allah

(Orang-orang yang tidak memiliki kriteria di atas akan ditinggal dan masuk ke dalam masa kesukaran besar 3,5 tahun masa Antikristus, masa yang paling kejam/brutal yang akan terjadi di bumi ini hanya sekali saja)

Dimanakah roh orang-orang mati yang diselamatkan dalam zaman Perjanjian Lama dan zaman Perjanjian Baru?

Dimanakah roh orang-orang mati yang diselamatkan dalam zaman Perjanjian Lama dan zaman Perjanjian Baru?

Roh orang mati yang diselamatkan sebelum jaman Yesus (Perjanjian Lama) akan menuju Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas / ‘Pangkuan’ Abraham, karena Abraham Bapa orang beriman, bertugas di Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas. (Lukas 16:19-31)

Namun setelah Tuhan Yesus bangkit dan naik ke surga, roh mereka yang selamat hanya berada 3 hari di Dunia Orang Mati Bagian Atas kemudian mereka akan menuju SUATU TEMPAT DI FIRDAUS bersama-sama dengan Tuhan Yesus, yakni suatu TEMPAT PENANTIAN, untuk menantikan kedatangan Tuhan Yesus kedua kali di bumi, kemudian mereka akan diberi tubuh surgawi dan masing-masing akan menerima pembagian upah dari Tuhan.

Bagaimana keadaan mereka di tempat penantian itu?

Mereka sangat menikmati damai sejahtera Allah yang sejati, mereka menikmati kebahagiaan dan penuh dengan sukacita.

Di sana mereka tidak membuang-buang waktu, sebaliknya terus menerus mempelajari banyak pengetahuan rohani dari para malaikat dan para nabi, misalnya tentang Allah Tritunggal, surga, peraturan-peraturan dunia roh, dsb. Pengetahuan yang demikian tidak ada habis-habisnya. Mempelajari hal-hal rohani tidak pernah membosankan atau mengalami kesulitan, tidak seperti belajar di dunia ini.

Mereka juga selalu ingin tahu tentang apa yang sedang terjadi di dunia ini, tetapi terutama hal-hal yang terkait dengan kerajaan surga; misalnya ‘Bagaimana perkembangan gereja yang saya layani? Berapa banyak tugas yang diberi yang sudah dilaksanakan oleh gereja? Bagaimana perkembangan penginjilan di dunia?, dll. Jadi mereka akan sangat beersukacita / puas dan merayakannya bila mereka mendengar bagaimana Allah dipermuliakan melalui KKR-KKR dan acara-acara persekutuan lainnya.

Di tempat penantian itu berhimpun semua orang dari berbagai tingkatan rohani. Orang yang tingkat rohaninya lebih rendah memberi hormat dengan cara menundukkan kepala kepada orang yang tingkat rohaninya lebih tinggi, namun mereka yang memberi hormat melakukan hal itu bukan karena terpaksa tetapi memang keluar dari hati yang benar dan tulus.

Ada perkecualian bagi para nabi dan para rasul, mereka tidak berada di tempat penantian ini, namun mereka sudah berada di Yerusalem Baru untuk melayani pekerjaan Allah untuk mempersiapkan tempat bagi kita karena mereka sudah dikuduskan sepenuhnya dan mencerminkan hati Allah sepenuhnya; walaupun begitu, mereka masing-masing belum bisa ke rumah surgawi mereka masing-masing karena Penghakiman belum dilaksanakan.

Karena itu, di dalam nama Tuhan, saya memberkati anda supaya anda tidak hanya mengejar Yerusalem Baru dengan tingkat rohani yang tinggi seperti Paulus, namun juga memimpin banyak jiwa ke jalan keselamatan dengan cara memberitakan Injil sekalipun demi tugas tersebut anda harus mengorbankan nyawa anda

(Wahyu Tuhan untuk Jaerock Lee)

Good News from Archangel GABRIEL for You and Your Family !!! (Testimony of Rev.R.H.BUCK)

Good News from Archangel GABRIEL for You and Your Family !!! (Testimony of Rev.R.H.BUCK)

On the night of June 18, 1978, I went to bed at my usual time with no advance notice that something was about to happen which would change my entire life!
About three o'clock in the morning, I was abruptly awakened when someone grasped my arms and sat me right up in bed! The room was dark because the shades were pulled, but there was just enough light from outside so I could detect the outline of a huge being.
To say the least, I was frightened because he was so strong I couldn't free myself from his grip. My fear didn't last, however, because I quickly became aware of a supernatural presence, and it didn't take me long to realize that this heavenly being was an angel from God. He confirmed this, turned loose of my shoulders, and told me not to be afraid! Then he told me that God had sent him because the prayers of God's people had been heard, and he was to deliver the message that their prayers had not only been heard, but had been answered! Hallelujah! I wasn't dreaming, it wasn't a vision, it was something very, very real!
As we continued talking, he spoke so loudly I was sure he was going to wake up my wife who was asleep next to me. He didn't, but I wish he had!
My dog, Queenie, comes into our room once in awhile when she gets lonesome, and sleeps beside the bed. She was there that night and was interested in everything the angel had to say. She was right beside me and I could feel her head turning every which way against my leg as first the angel spoke and then I answered! It was an unusual visit!
It sounds strange, and I imagine some people might question my credibility. This is not important; God's message is, and he had something he wanted me to bring to the world!
This unique conversation lasted for two solid hours as the angel shared magnificent truths from the Word of God with me. He discussed the unfolding plan of God for the entire world and brought me warm feelings from God's own heart as to the concern he has for people. His love for people is so great, he is a lot more interested in them than he is in procedure! He LOVES people!
The angel gave me information which went in many different directions, but there was a keynote which the Lord emphasized to me that followed all the way through, and at first I wasn't certain how to relate this message until one night three weeks later, he returned, bringing more beautiful truths from God on the same subjects. I wanted to see what he looked like, but again I could only see the outline of this heavenly being in the darkness of our bedroom.
The morning following the second visit, my wife asked me if we had another visitor during the night, because she said while she did not hear anything, she was aware of the real warmth of God's presence filling the room.
There is something so awesome about God sending these special messengers with words from heaven that I feel a tremendous responsibility in sharing this. We are living in a beautiful time and a great awakening is happening throughout the world. Along with the great move of the Holy Spirit, there are also renewed attacks by the enemy against the work of God.
In an effort to get at God and to try to hurt him, satanic forces are attacking the home, which is the closest thing on earth to God's heart. Homes are hurting and many times they do not understand why. This attack is more than just an attack on the home for every time you find a new chapter about to be opened in God's great work, you will find increased satanic activity. The enemies of God are following a practice that began a long time ago.
In talking about these satanic attacks, the angel brought to my mind the ways the enemy fought in times past. When Moses was born and the plan of God began to unfold so that the children of Israel would be brought out of the land ofEgypt, God prepared a small child whose mother recognized that he was very special and Satan made an effort to fight against God's plan.
Satan didn't know whom God had chosen, so he put it into the heart of the king to kill every child below a certain age so that he could get rid of the one baby who was going to have a definite part in the unfolding of God's plan.
Another time was when a decree was given in Shushan. The enemy knew that the time was almost here for the great deliverance of Israel, so he worked through the heart of a man named Haman. A decree went out that all of the Jews were to be slain. Again the enemy tried to stop God's plan, but he did not succeed.
When Jesus was born, the greatest chapter of all times began to unfold. Again the satanic forces said, "We have to stop him. He is God's own Son. We have to stop this deliverer, but we don't know where he is." They inquired, "Where is he? Where is he going to be born?"
If Satan could have read minds, all he would have had to do was to go to the shepherds or the wise men and read their minds, but they weren't telling! He discovered the general area, so that same satanic force went into operation. Once again all the babies were killed. But Jesus wasn't there!
In our day, there is a beautiful new chapter unfolding as God is bringing into focus families of the earth. He is letting them know that his plan of salvation, a principle he put into operation years and years ago, is not just a plan for a single person. He reserves a place for the whole family, but each member must individually be born again.
I thought, "That's strange theology! That doesn't seem right." But I discovered that God himself is the one who started this! It was in his beautiful plan that he gave to Moses in the tabernacle. The angel brought to my attention the fact that God wanted the name of every head of the house and his family included in the gate of the tabernacle; the silver sockets, which held the veil of the temple, were to be made out of the shekels of their redemption. These sacrifices of half a shekel of silver were made by each man as a ransom for his soul unto the Lord. The shekels were to be melted, and the gates were to hang on the very fact that God has included ALL in his plan.
This redemption plan for the families was so important to God that he required each family to give a memorial offering of half a shekel every year so they wouldn't forget. This is discussed in Exodus 30:12-16 and 38:25-28.
Do you remember when Rahab saved the spies who went into Jericho? The spies, by inspiration of God, said, "Rahab, call your family here to this house and they will all be saved." (Joshua 6:17-25) God worked through the one person that he had contact with in that home. Rahab brought every member of her family there, and they were all saved because God cared for the entire family!
God's plan is a family plan. All of the beautiful ties of home and family are eternal, and you are going to have joy such as you have never dreamed of when you get to heaven. Gabriel spoke to me over and over again about the importance of families to God, and that we can trust him, even though we cannot comprehend how he can accomplish a family relationship in heaven. "How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods!" (Romans 11:33 TLB).
The enemy wants to spoil God's plan by hurling heavy artillery into the homes, causing husbands to lose feelings for their wives; causing restlessness; causing things to fall apart; causing children and parents to hate each other. But God says Satan is not going to get away with it!
One of the most impressive things the angel told me was that God always has a back-up plan. God says his work will get done even if he has to call in someone else to do it - or he will do it himself!
This is beautifully described in the story of Esther, when Mordecai came to her and prophetically told her that God had put her right there at that particular time to get a job done. She could choose to do it if she wanted to, and be really blessed of God, but she could also be confident that his deliverance was not going to fail if she decided not to do it (Esther 4:14). God's plan will go through and he will raise up deliverance from another source if necessary. He will not fail!
God let me know that events which he has decreed HAVE TO HAPPEN! When he decrees it, an irreversible force is set in motion that nothing can stop. IT HAS TO HAPPEN! People he has included in his unfolding plan are not irreversibly stuck with that plan for themselves unless they want to be. God has predestined the event, but not the individuals. He said, "If you will link arms with me, there will be joy and happiness in it for you. I have FOREORDAINED you to be a partner with me in the great work that I am doing, but I will not hold you to it."
God is at work! The enemy is at work! These are the two opposing forces, but God has already decreed that he is the winner!
Many Christians have been praying for the unsaved loved ones in their families. When the angel brought me the message that their prayers had already been answered, I thought, "Does this mean they are already ALL saved?" "No, God does not mean he will violate the free right of choice he has given, but it means that he is going to do everything necessary to bring people to the point where it will be easy for them to make the choice to serve him.
I have heard it said, "It's a good thing to make it hard for people to come to God because that way they will appreciate Him." That isn't God's way! He wants to make it real easy to come to Him, and real hard to get away! His whole desire is for you. He loves you! He's not looking for some reason to cast you away. He is looking for every reason to hold you!
Since God has said that your prayers are already answered, those who have laid their loved ones before him in sincerity and in faith can stop praying right now! The angel said they can start praising God right now. He is on the job, and has released the forces to bring about circumstances which would make it hard for these people to resist God.
Then the angel said, "I am here right now leading a great band of angels in order to clear the way, to scatter the enemies, to move away the roadblocks, and to let people know that the heart of God is warm toward them."
He shared many beautiful truths with me, and on this particular visit as he spoke to me, I realized the angel was the same one who had appeared to Zacharias with an identical message, "Your prayers are heard!" (Luke 1:13).
This message that God brought to me through his angel was a little picture of the big heart of God and what He is doing today. The angel told me that God was interested in restoring homes into the kind of unit that would please him and that He could bless. He said his desire was to restore communication between children and their parents, and break down barriers of hatred so they could be buddies and have a wonderful family relationship.
God showed His keen interest in families by forming the home before he made the church. He wants that same wonderful unity, and that recognition of himself, which people expect to feel only in the church, to also be in the home.
He said, "I want the fathers to feel the hurts of their family. I want the children to know that when the enemy attacks, they can find a strong arm at home on which to lean. I want the mother's hearts to be opened and filled with compassion for the kids." I was certainly aware of the fact that God was interested in families, but to have an angel tell me this made it more real!
He said that God's purpose, His desire, and one of the things that he wants to accomplish in all that he is doing, is to reach the rebellious children. He wants to turn the hearts of fathers and mothers toward their children. He said, "I want to take those rebellious children, those who are disobedient, and bring them to a point of knowing how complete my forgiveness really is. I want them to know that when they obey me, there is not one thing from the past against them on their record up in heaven. When I forgive, I not only forget the thing for which I have forgiven them, but I even forget that I forgave!
When you come to God the next time and say, "God, I hate to keep coming, because I know this is the twentieth time you have forgiven me, but will you forgive me once again?" He will look at you and say, "What are you talking about? I do not have any record of that. I do not have anything in my memory about that. As far as I'm concerned, this is the first time you have come." Did you know that this is the kind of forgiveness God has?
I have heard many messages on how beautiful it is that God justifies the godly people, and I think this is wonderful! But God goes a step further, and says, "I want you to carry the message that I am ready to justify the ungodly" (Romans 4:5).
The word justify means "just as though it had never happened." God said, "Because of the snares and the attacks of the devil, I want my people to know how complete that justification really is! I want to go into their minds, their hearts, and into their well-being. I want them to be able to look up into my face and know that they do not have to hang their heads and be ashamed, because when I see them, I see them as first-class members of my family."
He told me that I could find a brief of this message in Luke 1:17. This was the time of another great unfolding of a chapter in His plan. I got out my Bible to read it to see if it really said it that way, and lo and behold, it says it just that way. He was speaking about John the Baptist and the anointing of the Spirit and how John was going to go out and do God's work. "He shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient (or rebellious) to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." He wanted to let them know experientially what justification really means. God wants you to know that he is not your enemy; He is your friend! He doesn't want to hurt you; He wants to help you!
Then he reminded me of something that happened in Acts 27:20 where Paul was shipwrecked. I really got excited when I read this! A terrible storm came up and all hope was gone. The crew gave up in despair, because they felt they would not be saved. But, in verse 22, Paul said, "I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship." How did Paul know this? "... For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: (God's plan was unfolding, and he was not going to allow anything like a storm to stop those plans) and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee."
To you parents, God is saying the same thing, "I'm giving you all those who are sailing with you."
When he said, "Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: (I've got good news for you) for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me."
I shall be just the way the angel said it!
Paul told them to stand by, but many of the people didn't believe him. I'm sure some of them thought, "Man, this guy's had hallucinations. We have been in the storm area for too many days." They had seen men lose their minds before, because of the storms. They said, "We can hear the ground under the ship; we have sounded down." So with the guise of throwing some anchors over, they threw a boat over, and were going to get into it, but Paul said, "You had better obey. God has plans to save you, but you have to make the choice yourself." The soldiers cut the rope and the boat fell into the water.
God still had a plan, and he sent a host of angels and they took the back end of the ship, twisted it off, and broke it up into little pieces so everyone would have something to hang onto. The angel visitor said that he had led a host of angels in at that time to make sure each person got to shore. Each one of the 276 who were saved had a big angel watching over them!
I asked the angel, "Wouldn't it have been better if they had drowned, since they were a pretty rough bunch of characters? They were prisoners, many of them murderers, and humans of the lowest kind." No, the great miracle happened because God wants to save! Jesus didn't come to condemn the world, but that the world through him might have life!
I think of the reluctance I had in delivering the first message that was brought to me. I didn't know where it was going to go! I didn't know what it was going to do! I have spent twenty-nine years in my community endeavoring to share Christ with the people; the community recognizes my ministry; it is accepted, and I didn't want to destroy the work of a lifetime in one evening by telling an experience that would cause defenses to rise, and turn people away.
The angel told me to give the message, but I could not. I waited three weeks, and in the middle of the night, those same strong hands that had grasped my arms before, raised me up in bed and said, "You haven't given that message." I knew I was in trouble! I was still reluctant, so I asked the angel, "Since you are here, why don't I introduce you to the people and let you give the message to them?" He replied that God would not permit him to, so I had to give it myself.
I was especially cautious when I gave this message in church because the angel was there, making sure I gave the entire message. He said, "Even though I will not give the message to the congregation, I want you to know that I am here, and I have my whole army of angels with me right now." It really excited me to know that angels were in the service! Then he said there were more angels there that night than people! How I wish we could have crystallized them to make them visible.
Because God is rapidly moving forward to accomplish His plan on schedule, Satan is also working hard. He wants to spoil what God is doing, but God said he is not going to succeed.
In Numbers 10:35 we read that when the cloud moved, and the ark and the people were ready to move ahead, Moses said, "Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered." God showed him when to say it. There were a lot of enemies lurking along the way, and when Moses gave the signal, the angelic hosts of heaven swung into action and swooped out across the area where Moses and the Israelites would be traveling, clearing the way of all enemies, whether spiritual or physical.
Did you know that you are on God's special list because somebody in your family loves Jesus and they are asking God to save you? Even if you have not yet given him your life, a host of angels has already come! He has already given the cry, "Enemies be scattered!" There are angels working to bring you out of the enemy camp into God's safety. They are pushing things out of the way because God said that you are highly favored.
If you have been praying for a family member who does not know the Lord, and have sincerely laid them on the altar, stop pestering them! Quit preaching at them! They're getting enough pushing and pulling right now from the angels, and the Holy Spirit is doing a thorough job of preaching to them.
One of the big angels who later talked to me said he was the same one who was standing beside Joshua when Joshua said, "Are you on our side, or the enemies' side?" The angel replied, "You are wrong on both accounts, but I have come as the leader of another army and we are taking our orders from heaven. Your God, who is giving those orders, knows what the needs are (Joshua 5:13-15)."
There's an army at work right now. Wherever men and women honestly lay their loved ones out before God, those names are written on a very special list. This does not mean that God is going to stop only with those families, God is reaching people and drawing them in from all walks of life.
In Psalm 89:33-37 we read about that very special list where God said He would make an everlasting covenant with us, even the sure mercies of David. Then He tells us what the sure mercies of David are, that if your children drift away from God, they are going to get into trouble. "Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes" (Ps. 89:32).
They are going to have a rough time, but nevertheless, because I made a promise to you, "my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail." (Ps. 89:33). He is going to stay right on them, encouraging them to come back to his family.
I didn't ask this angel to identify himself, or to give any credentials. But, he said, "To set your mind at ease as to the authenticity of this visit, to erase any doubts from your mind, I want to give you some scripture references where I am referred to in God's Word, and it's settled there!" and that is what he did! He was the angel who was with Zacharias, with Paul at the shipwreck, with Moses to scatter the enemies, and with Joshua.
Again today I can hear the battle cry, "Rise up, Lord. Let your enemies be scattered," and already the angels have moved out for action!
When I gave this first message to my church, God gave me a confirmation that it was from Him! Someone took the tape of GOOD NEWS and gave it to a friend who was visiting here fromCanada. About two o'clock one Saturday morning, my wife answered the phone and as she handed it to me said, "Someone is really crying and I can't make sense out of him." I told the man on the other end of the line to take it easy so I could understand him. He said, "I'm up here inCanada, and somebody brought me a tape of yours. A bunch of us decided we would have a big party tonight, and have a lot of fun laughing at someone who was talking about angels.
"We thought this would be the funniest thing ever, so we all got together and went to the saloon. We got our jugs of beer and sat around the table. We were going to play the tape over and over and just have a big time laughing! We thought it would be a real blast! We turned the tape recorder on, but none of us touched our beer! In about five minutes, a few of us started crying. There were seventeen of us together in the saloon. "We played it over three times and someone said, 'What are we going to do, we've got to do something!'" They couldn't figure out what to do. It was like they were in a daze. Finally one of them said, "Why don't we call him - that pastor." So they called the operator and got my number. When he related the story about listening to the tape, he pleadingly asked me, "What are we going to do?" I said, "God has followed that tape to Canada with his angels, and he wants you to turn your life over to him. Just slip your hand into his right now." After the man prayed with me over the telephone, he said, "My life is beginning right today. I'm going back and tell those other sixteen what to do and get them all to turn their lives over to God!" Hallelujah!
I had six calls the first week which confirmed to me that this message was from God and that I was to share it with the world. Not one of the individuals who called me knew who I was, and none of them had heard the tape except the man from Canada.
Another time the phone rang early one morning, and it was a man calling from Wyoming. He said, "I feel like an idiot. I don't know what I'm calling you for." "Well, what are you calling me for, waking me up in the middle of the night like this?" "You may not believe this, but tonight I heard a loud voice say, 'Call Pastor Buck in Boise,Idaho.'" He said he thought he was losing his mind so he ignored the order and in a few minutes he heard that same voice again say with great authority, "I want you to call Pastor Buck inBoiseIdaho!" There was so much pressure on him, he finally called the operator to see if there was a Pastor Buck in BoiseIdaho. He said, "They gave me your number, so here I am. I don't know what I called you for, but I was told to call you, so here I am." I KNEW THE ANGELS HAD BEEN BUSY! "I know why you called," I said, and led him to the Lord. Then I asked him, "Is there someone in your family, a relative perhaps, who knows God?" "I have a "nutty" sister who knows God, or says she knows him. I've been listening to her, but I didn't believe her!" "Because of this nutty sister, you are highly favored of God. God made a promise that he was going to stay right on you and he didn't let up until you were saved!"
It was a real joy when another man stopped by who had been troubled about his sister who didn't know the Lord. When he heard about angels going out to bring people to the ones who would minister salvation to them, he got down on his knees and said, "Lord, I'm going to lay my sister and my family out before you, and I'm going to praise you for what you are going to do." That very week his sister found Jesus as her Savior and Lord, and now God is working on the rest of the members of the family.
Reports are coming in from all over that these angels are bringing people to the place where they can make a decision for Christ. God's messages and his salvation are snowballing around the world. The angel reemphasized the fact to me that these ministering angels were out working and bringing people to those who would minister salvation to them. Again he emphasized the fact that we must prepare ourselves and be alert to help those who will come to us. Then he said, "You have accepted the teaching that Jesus is the door and the way. You are bringing people to the door," he said, "but God wants you to know that you are also a door." When Jesus said, "As my Father sent me, so send I you," he dispatched us exactly as he is. We are a door to Christ, and he is the door to God.
Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12). He has not only given us the Holy Spirit, but he gave us his job to do!
Jesus, as a human channel of God, was the door through which people found God. "And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us ..." (John 1:14 TLB). People who can't find Jesus in this world can find us! Today many people are going out and becoming a door, or a channel, through which others are finding Christ as their Savior.
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world," in John 8:12, and in Matthew 5:14 he said, "Ye are the light of the world." This does not give deity to man, because we are not Jesus, but we are the human doors and "the light of the world" which he uses on this earth! He wants us to take this same kind of authority that these angels are taking and not listen to anyone's objections when they come to us.
As the Spirit draws and calls people, they often refuse to listen, and strenuously object, but the angels don't listen. They have orders to bring people to a point of either accepting or rejecting Jesus. If they refuse, the angels start the cycle over again, and again, and again as directed by the Spirit.
Not everyone who comes your way will be brought by the Spirit, but God wants you to be sensitive enough to hear the words they are saying, or sense their discouragement. We are to let them know the angels are at work and they cannot dispose of them just by turning away and refusing to listen. If they do, the angels will start the cycle right over again! And if they refuse again, the angels will start once more. Angels do not get discouraged. They are taking all their orders from heaven. Praise God!
We can speak in Jesus' name because we have His authority. When someone sincerely says, "Jesus, I accept you," it is our responsibility to let them know that God has accepted them. God has given us this authority through Jesus. We are his representatives! We can say this, because God will back us up in everything we do that is according to his Word. "Whosoever you free," he said, "I am going to free."
God's Good News for you today is that God is vitally interested in each person and in families, and that he is even sending angelic messengers to bring those who are away from him into his own family. He really loves people!

Melihat ikatan Roh Jahat Di Alam Roh (Kesaksian K.E. Hagin)

Melihat ikatan Roh Jahat Di Alam Roh (Kesaksian K.E. Hagin)

Suatu peristiwa terjadi pada tahun 1958 ketika saya memimpin suatu kebaktian kebangunan rohani di Pueblo,Colorado. Sementara kami sedang berdoa khusus untuk orang-orang sakit pada suatu malam, maka datanglah seorang laki-laki berasal dari Colorado Springs minta didoakan. Dia mengatakan kepadaku bahwa dia sering merasa gugup, tidak dapat tidur, dan bahwa ia sering minum obat tidur agar bisa tenang. Istrinya kemudian menceritakan kepada saya bahwa mereka sudah siap untuk menyerahkan dia ke suatu rumah sakit jiwa.
Kemudian saya menumpangkan tangan ke atas dirinya dan berdoa untuk kesembuhannya supaya syarafnya boleh mendapat kesembuhan; agar tubuhnya boleh mendapatkan kesembuhan mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ke telapak kakinya. Kemudian saya pun terus berdoa untuk orang sakit berikutnya, yang sedang berada dalam barisan antrian. Saya melanjutkan berdoa untuk orang lain itu selama 10 menit lagi. Orang laki-laki tadi sudah kembali ke tempat duduknya, yang terdapat di sebelah kanan saya.
Ketika saya menengok kepadanya, maka saya pun segera dikuasai oleh Roh. Tuhan memperkenankan saya untuk melihat ke alam roh, lalu saya melihat satu roh jahat sedang bertengger di atas bahu laki-laki itu. Kedua lengan roh jahat itu sedang memeluk dengan ketat sekeliling kepala orang itu. Saya dapat menyaksikan kenyataan ini dengan jelas, akan tetapi tidak ada seorangpun di antara yang hadir yang menyadari, apa yang sedang berlangsung.
Saya memanggil laki-laki itu mendekati saya, dan ketika ia berdiri di depan saya, maka saya pun berkata,”Hai kau roh jahat yang menyergap dan membelenggu otak dan pikiran orang ini, saya perintahkan kau keluar dari dalam tubuhnya sekarang juga di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus.”
Ketika saya mengucapkan kata-kata ini, maka roh jahat itupun terlepas dari kepala orang itu dan jatuh tergeletak di atas lantai. Roh jahat itu menjawab kepada saya,”sebenarnya saya tidak mau meninggalkan orang ini, akan tetapi saya sadar bahwa jika engkau mengatakan demikian, maka saya pun harus melakukannya.
“Bukan saja kau harus keluar dari tubuh orang ini, tetapi kau harus keluar juga meninggalkan ruangan ini dengan segera!’’ saya perintahkan dia. Lalu ia pun lari terbirit-birit meninggalkan ruangan lewat pintu samping.
Suatu senyum lebar merekah pada wajah laki-laki itu, dia pun mengacungkan tangannya tinggi-tinggi sambil berteriak,”SEKARANG SAYA BEBAS! SAYA SUDAH BEBAS!” Meskipun saya tidak menceritakan kepadanya apa yang sedang saya saksikan dalam penglihatanku, orang laki-laki itu berkata,”Rasanya bagaikan ada sebuah besi sedang mengikat sekeliling kepalaku, semakin hari semakin ketat. Semakin hari semakin berat beban yang terkandung di batok kepalaku, akan tetapi tiba-tiba saja beban yang berat itu rontok terlepas dan hilang lenyap.”



English - I love you

Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te ubesk
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of
fingers when signing'I Love > >>>> You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe

Pintu-Pintu Masuk Setan ke dalam Kehidupan Manusia

Pintu-Pintu Masuk Setan ke dalam Kehidupan Manusia

  • Tidak percaya kepada Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat, dan tentunya semua dosa terhadap Firman Allah
  • Tidak mengalami penyucian dosa terus menerus oleh Darah Yesus
  • Meramal nasib melalui telapak tangan, daun teh, kartu tarot, dll.
  • Horoskop, Astrologi, Numerologi
  • Rasa ingin tahu dengan mengunjungi Peramal/Paranormal
  • Meminta petunjuk dari “roh-roh orang mati” (sebenarnya setan-setan yang menyamar) dan peramal
  • Mempelajari Okultisme (Occultism)
  • Bermain dengan papan oujie, jailangkung, dan permainan - permainan fantasi, segala permainan yang berkaitan dengan setan.
  • Pengalaman Psikis
  • Mempelajari Tenaga Dalam
  • Akupuntur/Tusuk Jarum/Acupuncture
  • Meditasi Transendental
  • Yoga; arti yoga/yuj: penyatuan, penyatuan roh manusia dan alam/roh dunia ini, sedangkan bagi kita yang sudah tahu, dunia ini sedang dikuasai oleh Iblis untuk sementara waktu dan memang diizinkan Tuhan. Ini sebenarnya adalah penyatuan roh manusia dengan roh-roh iblis. Jadi yoga ini mula-mula kita sepertinya mempelajari gerakan-gerakan latihan pernapasan, tetapi lama-kelamaan pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, kita akan dibawa masuk ke dalam alam bawah sadar kita. (Tujuan Iblis adalah mengajar manusia, supaya manusia bisa kembali memperoleh kesadaran jiwa melalui alam bawah sadarnya untuk mengendalikan tubuh rohani mereka, yang nanti akan dipergunakan Iblis untuk sesuatu rencana yang jahat. Sebab dengan tubuh roh, manusia bisa berkomunikasi dengan Iblis dan tubuh roh manusia juga lebih memiliki kuasa dan kepandaian/kemampuan dibandingkan tubuh jasmaninya. Misalnya dengan melakukan Astral Projection)
  • Mencoba ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), mis: Telepati, menerima informasi dengan indera ke-6, tanpa bantuan 5 indera.
  • Astral Projection, yakni kesadaran dari dalam jiwa manusia untuk mengendalikan roh mereka dan mengeluarkan roh dari tubuh mereka (tentunya dengan bantuan setan, sadar atau tidak sadar), kemudian berkelana menjalankan tugas (dari setan), misalnya: mendengarkan suatu percakapan rahasia, dll.
  • Mencoba Levitation / Telekinetic / Telekinesis (mis: menggerakkan benda tanpa menyentuh)
  • Biofeedback (menggunakan pikiran untuk memperbaiki kesehatan)
  • berkonsultasi dengan seorang Medium untuk mencari benda-benda hilang
  • Segala macam praktek perdukunan/sihir, mis: guna-guna, mantera, santet, gendam, hipnotis, tenung, pellet, dll.
  • Akibat dosa dari orang tua / nenek moyang yang belum diputuskan oleh darah Yesus.
  • Penggunaan Obat Bius/Narkotika.
  • Segala tontonan TV yang negatif
  • Menonton film porno/blue film/film xxx
  • Mendengar musik rock/keras
  • Sering mabuk/minum minuman keras
  • Perkawinan sedarah/incest
  • Sadomasochism
  • Homoseks
  • Selingkuh / Penyelewengan seks
  • Perkosaan / kekerasan seks terhadap anak-anak
  • Mengutuk.
  • Hubungan seks yang tidak terikat tali perkawinan yang kudus di dalam Kristus.

Kesulitan Menerima Yesus Karena Terlibat Permainan Ramal Tangan dan Horoskop (Kesaksian dokter Rebecca Brown)

Kesulitan Menerima Yesus Karena Terlibat Permainan Ramal Tangan dan Horoskop (Kesaksian dokter Rebecca Brown)

Jane adalah seorang perawat berusia 35 tahun yang tinggal di kota kelahiranku. Aku telah bekerja bersamanya selama kurang lebih 10 tahun ketika aku masih menjadi perawat juga. Aku bertemu kembali dengannya secara kebetulan. Beberapa waktu yang lalu. Dia terkejut melihat perubahanku, dan sebagai hasilnya aku bisa duduk bersamanya di suatu siang dan menceritakan apa yang telah Tuhan kerjakan dalam hidupku; lalu Jane berkata,”Engkau tahu, 5 tahun lalu aku juga memiliki 2 orang teman yang menyerahkan hidup bagi Kristus, dan mereka berubah secara dramatis dari kehidupan yang tak puas dan tak bahagia menjadi sukacita dan penuh kedamaian. Aku juga telah sering berpikir bahwa aku ingin melakukan hal yang sama, namun aku tidak bisa. Jadi, aku tidak memikirkannya lagi.”
“Mengapa engkau tidak mau menyerahkan hidupmu kepada Kristus?” tanyaku.
“Memang, aku bisa melihat keuntungannya, namun aku tidak bisa melakukannya. Buktinya, aku menjadi begitu cemas dan gelisah ketika kita berbicara tentang hal itu; kukira lebih baik kita berhenti sekarang, aku tidak ingin bicara tentang hal itu lagi.”
Dulu, aku tentu akan menghentikan pembicaraan sampai disitu juga, namun puji Tuhan, terima kasih atas latihan yang diberikanNya. Aku dengan mudah mengenali semua gejalanya, jadi aku tetap bertahan.
“Biarkan aku bertanya satu pertanyaan lagi. Apakah ketika engkau mencoba berpikir tentang Yesus, sepertinya engkau menabrak dinding kosong dan sangat sukar bagimu untuk melanjutkan berpikir tentang itu sehingga engkau menyerah?”
“Ya, seperti itu, bagaimana engkau tahu?”
“Aku telah belajar di sekolah latihan milik Tuhan. Katakan kepadaku, kegiatan okultisme apakah yang pernah kau ikuti?” Dia amat terkejut.
“Bagaimana engkau tahu tentang hal itu?? Aku tidak terlibat terlalu jauh, tapi memang aku telah mengunjungi seorang peramal rajah tangan, 8 tahun yang lalu, untuk iseng-iseng aja. Kemudian aku pergi ke peramal telapak tangan dan peramal lainnya beberapa kali, dan baru-baru ini juga, aku melihat keberuntunganku melalui horoskop. Tetapi tidak ada yang serius kok.”
“Jane, keterlibatanmu yang singkat dengan okultisme itu telah cukup untuk membuatmu terikat oleh setan, sehingga engkau tidak bisa menerima Yesus. Namun aku mempunyai kabar baik untukmu. Yesus telah datang untuk membebaskan orang-orang yang tertawan. Dan karena aku adalah milikNya, maka Dia pun telah memberikan kuasa dan otoritas kepadaku untuk mengalahkan iblis dan antek-anteknya. Sekarang, engkau setan yang setan yang telah mengikat dan membutakan Jane, aku ikat engkau sekarang ini juga di dalam nama Yesus, engkau tidak bisa lagi menguasai hidupnya!”
Jane nampak terkejut, seakan-akan dia menganggapku hilang ingatan. Namun aku segera mengubah pembicaraanku dan berbicara soal hal yang lain selama 10 menit. Kemudian aku bertanya:
“Jane, tadi aku telah bertanya kepadamu tentang menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamatmu. Engkau tahu bahwa itulah yang engkau butuhkan. Nah, bagaimanakah jika engkau berdoa bersamaku sekarang?”
Dia melihatku dengan heran, kemudian kelegaan membanjiri wajahnya. Dia berkata,”Engkau tahu, aku akan senang berdoa denganmu sekarang. Aku dapat menerima Yesus. Aku tidak tahu, mengapa aku tidak bisa melakukannya tadi.”

Kami berdua berlutut bersama, dan seorang tawanan lagi sudah dibebaskan dari kerajaan iblis dan memasuki Kerajaan Allah.

Muslimah Masuk Kristen (Kesaksian Nur Laila)

Muslimah Masuk Kristen (Kesaksian Nur Laila)

Nama saya Nur Laila. Saya adalah seorang Muslimah yang telah mengikut dan mentaati segala-gala yang telah diajari oleh ibu-bapa saya, terutamanya dalam hal-hal iman dan keislaman. Tetapi walaupun begitu, semakin saya lebih membesar, hati dan jiwa saya masih kekosongan sahaja walaupun saya telah mencari jawapan soalan-soalan kehidupan dari agama Islam serta ajaran-ajarannya.
Pada satu hari, saya telah terjumpa dengan jawapan serta penyelesaian kepada segala keruncingan dan keresahan rohani di dalam jiwa dan hati saya. Sejak waktu itu, saya telah dapat mengenalNya lebih mendalam lagi, hari demi hari.
Saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga Islam. Ibu dan bapa saya adalah pengikut Islam yang cukup warak dan bertakwa. Datuk saya telah mengajar saya mengaji al-Quran sejak saya berumur empat tahun sampai saya mencecah tujuh tahun. Sebagai seorang Muslimah yang bertaqwa, saya menunaikan ibadat solat saya lima kali sehari dan telaah pengajian Islam dari jam 6 petang sampai 8.30 malam setiap hari Sabtu ke Khamis.
Sesudah selesainya pembelajaran di sekolah menengah, pendidikan saya dilanjutkan lagi di institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) di mana saya telah belajar pendidikan biasa dan juga pendidikan Islam. Saya telah mempelajari begitu banyak tentang agama Islam, serta mendalami ilmu-ilmunya dengan cukup mantap, walau pun begitu, Islam tidak mampu menenangkan jiwa saya atau menghasilkan kehidupan yang bermakna atau pun menjadi panduan hidup bagi saya secara serius. Keadaan dalam hati dan jiwa saya masih lagi kosong dan gelisah sahaja dan saya tidak pernah menikmati apa yang difahami sebagai kasih-sayang Tuhan Allah agama Islam itu!
Setelah mendalami telahaan dan pengajian agama Islam, saya dapati bahawa seolah-olah kasih-sayang Allah itu bukanlah kasih sayang Tuhan yang sebenar atau kesayangan yang sesungguhnya. Lebih-lebih lagi, kasih sayang Allah agama Islam adalah amat terbatas dan bersyarat sekali; saya terpaksa melakukan segala macam hal dan peraturan supaya saya melayakkan diri untuk dapat mengalami kasih-sayang-Nya, yaitu 'irrahman dan arrahim-Nya'! Saya tidak menimbulkan soalan-soalan seperti ini kepada orangtua saya kerana mereka menganggapi pertanyaan seperti itu adalah 'dosa besar'!
Pada suatu hari, sesudah saya menunaikan ibadah solat saya kepada Allah, saya telah menangis dan rasa haru menyelubungi saya oleh kerana saya tidak dapat mengenal atau merasa apakah itu kasih dan sayang Allah swt itu! Tidak lama kemudian, saya telah membuka radio saya dan kebetulan sekali, tepat pada saat itu merupakan siaran steyen radio Kristian. Seorang wanita Kristian sedang membaca daripada Kitab Suci Injil, Matius fasal 11 ayat 28, yang berbunyi :
'Sayidina Isa berkata: "Marilah kepada-Ku, hai kamu semua yang lelah dan menanggung beban berat, Aku akan memberikan kelegaan bagimu."'
Saya telah berfikir pada diri saya : "Siapakah Sayidina Isa ini, yang mampu dan sanggup menganugerahkan kelegaan kepada umat manusia yang berbeban berat? Saya masih ingat mengatakan kepadaNya, "Kalau Engkau sungguhnya Ilahi, dan Sayidina Isa yang sebenarnya telah menyatakan seperti itu, tolonglah, biarlah saya mengenal Engkau!"
Pada Tahun Pertama saya di Universiti, saya dijemput ke satu keramaian oleh teman-teman saya. Kebanyakan mereka di situ adalah orang beragama Kristian. Saya telah mendengar cerita tentang Sayidina Isa Al-Masih sekali lagi. Satu ungkapan yang cukup unik telah menarik perhatian saya, yakni: "Sayidina Isa mengasihi anda." Saya teringat pada masa yang lalu, di mana pencarian saya bagi kebenaran kasih-sayang Allah swt adalah hampa sahaja. Jadi pada saat itu, saya teringin untuk kenali siapakah Sayidina Isa itu sebenarnya kerana jika Dia sesungguhnya mengasihi saya, saya akan menjadi pengikutNya yang setia! Oleh sebab itulah, saya telah berkata kepada Sayidina Isa : "Sayidina Isa Al-Masih, jika sesungguhnya Engkau ilahi, dan mengasihi saya, izinkanlah saya mengenal Engkau!"
Dua malam kemudian, sambil tidur saya telah bermimpi. Mimpi saya itu tampakkan satu cahaya yang sangat indah di depan pintu rumah saya! Saya ingin menjamah cahaya itu, tetapi kaki saya tersangkut kepada lantai pula! Pada waktu yang sama, terdengar suara ibu saya :"Jangan mendekati cahaya itu." Saya telah terjaga dengan tiba-tiba dalam keadaan berpeluh. Saya kurang faham apakah maksud cahaya indah itu dan menceritakannya kepada teman Kristian saya tentang mimpi saya dan dia menjelaskan bahawa saya harus menelaah Kitab Injil untuk mendapati jawapannya. Dan jawapannya terdapat di dalam nas Injil, Yahya fasal ayat 5:
"Selagi Aku ada di dunia ini, AKULAH TERANG DUNIA."
Begitulah bunyinya kata-kata Sayidina Isa dan sesungguhnya Baginda adalah terang dunia. Saya menginsafi pada saat itu juga Baginda inginkan saya sedar dan mengakui bahawa Dialah satu-satunya Terang Duniadan saya harus mengikuti jalan Baginda! Sejak mimpi saya itu, saya telah membaca, mengkaji dan menelaah kitab Perjanjian Baru dalam Kitab Suci Injil pada setiap hari. Semakin saya mendalami ilmu pengetahuan saya dalam Sayidina Isa Al-Masih dan menginsafi siapakah Baginda sebenarnya, semakin jelas sekali bahwa konsep Isa Al-Masih di dalam Islam dan al-Quran amatlah dangkal sekali!
Saya telah menyerahkan segala jiwa dan kehidupan saya ke dalam genggaman Sayidina Isa! Saya juga telah khuatir akan perhubungan saya dengan keluarga saya kerana mereka adalah Muslim; dan saya, sebagai seorang pengikut Sayidina Rabbani isa Al-Masih mungkin akan menganiayai saya. Walau bagaimanapun, Tuhan Allah telah memberkati hikmat-Nya kepada saya untuk bertahan segala macam rintangan dan cabaran. Jikalau iman saya tidak tabah, keluarga saya tidak akan dapat mengenali Tuhan dan Allah yang sebenar. .
Kemudian, Tuhan menganugerahkan saya mimpi-mimpi yang telah menjadi nyata! Walau pun bahasa ibunda saya bahasa Melayu, saya juga fasih dalam bahasa Thai. Satu daripada mimpi tersebut melibatkan keluarga sahabat saya yang mana ibu-bapanya mempelajari bahasa Thai daripada saya. Di dalam mimpi saya itu, mereka berada di atas sebuah bukit dan keadaan di sana sangatlah kering. Mereka kelihatan sangat letih dan tiba-tiba anak lelaki bongsu mereka telah jatuh tergelincir ke dalam lembah di bawah bukit itu. Mereka sangat gelisah tentang anak mereka itu dan menangis bersedu-sedu kerana keadaannya. Pada saat itu, saya pun telah tiba-tiba terjaga dari tidur dan sedari bahawa Tuhan Allah inginkan saya mendoakan bagi keselamatan keluarga di dalam mimpi saya itu. Dua hari kemudian, seorang teman memberitahu saya bahwa keluarga ini sedang berada di dalam hospital dan anak lelaki bongsu mereka juga dimasuki ke hospital dalam keadaan yang serius.
Syukur Alhamdulillah! Setelah saya mendoakan untuk mereka serta untuk pemulihan mereka sekeluarga, di dalam nama Sayidina Isa Al-Masih, mereka semua telah sembuh dan kesihatan mereka sudah pulih kembali seperti biasa 100 peratus! Mimpi-mimpi dari Allah seperti inilah telah menolong saya mengukuhkan iman saya di dalam Allah serta di dalam Jalan-Nya yang benar - yakni Sayidina Rabbani Isa sendiri, yang telah menyatakan :
"Akulah JALAN, KEBENARAN dan HIDUP. Tidak seorang pun datang kepada Tuhan Allah kecuali melalui Aku."
Yahya 14 ayat 6.
Dua tahun kemudian sesudah peristiwa mimpi tersebut, saya telah memeluk ajaran Injil serta menerima Sayidina Isa Al-Masih sebagai penebus dosa saya dan juga sebagai Rabbi dan Tuhan saya sendiri! Saya juga telah menjelaskan kepada ibu saya sebab-sebab mengapa saya membuat keputusan tersebut. Seperti biasa, dia menganggap bahwa saya melakukan sesuatu yang 'kurang bijak', akan tetapi, saya memberitahukan kepadanya bahawa saya telah mengenal Tuhan Allah yang sesungguhnya hakiki dan benar. Orangtua saya kurang senang dengan keputusan saya untuk menjadi seorang pengikut Sayidina Isa Al-Masih. Inilah reaksi yang lazim bagi ramai umat Islam khasnya apabila mereka cuba menangani orang Islam yang telah menolak ajaran Islam dan ingin menjadi pengikut Sayidina Isa yang sejati walaupun atas sebab-sebab yang cukup wajar! Walaupun begitu, sebagai seorang yang sudah dewasa, mereka sedar bahwa keputusan saya ini harus dihormati oleh semua phak.Saya telah pun serahkan keluarga saya yang tersayang ke dalam tangan Allah swt, dan saya yakin mereka juga akan menginsafi siapakah Tuhan Allah yang sebenarnya serta memeluknya dengan sebulat hati.

Muslim To Christian (Akbar - India)

Muslim To Christian (Akbar - India)

My name is Akbar, son of Mohammed Khaja Mohinuddin and Navanbee.
Before I could share my testimony, I would like to quote Romans 10:20 from the Epistle written by Apostle Paul where the Lord says: “I was found by those who did not seek Me; I became manifest to those who did not ask for Me” (NASB). Apostle Paul quoted this Scripture from Chapter 65:1 in The Book of Isaiah.
The reason why I quoted this verse is to testify to the gracious, loving-kindness God showed according to this Scripture in my life and in the lives of my whole family members. His Word has been proved to be true and it has been fulfilled in our lives. Though we did not seek Him, though we did not ask for Him, He found us and manifested Himself to us. Oh, I wish that each and every breath of mine be praise to Him and a sweet song for my Lord Jesus Christ.

Here Is My Testimony:

I am the sixth child to my parents following three oldest daughters and two sons. Our family was very religious and particular in following the traditions and beliefs of Islam.
My father was an engine driver working for South Central Railways and my mother is a house maker. My father was an active member in the Mosque and my mother, a teacher of Koran, was very passionate towards Islam and serious about following its traditions, rituals, beliefs and teachings. My parents had brought us up in the same fear and faith of Islam.

God Manifested:

It all started with my eldest brother, his name is Musthafa, who was born after my three elder sisters. One day as he was walking on the road, suddenly he heard a voice calling him by his name: “Musthafa, Musthafa, look at Me. I am the Lord your God.” He looked all around to find the one who was calling him but he could not find anyone except himself in that place. It was a strange experience to him which had never before happened in his life. When the voice came again the second time, Musthafa recognized that it was coming from above.
Though he came to know that the voice was coming from above, he didn’t know whose voice it was. Before he could think about anything else, immediately he was surrounded by Power which was like an electric power that led him to a small Christian tent meeting where a preacher was preaching about Jesus Christ. The Power which was all around him said, “The One who spoke to you on the way is the same One this man is preaching.” There as that preacher was preaching about Jesus Christ, Musthafa understood that the One who spoke to him was Jesus Christ. There he accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior with a strong conviction as the Holy Spirit of the Lord dealt with him in his heart. As soon as my brother accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he saw Jesus for seven days continously. Since then he was changed. He was no more reading the Quran or going with us to the mosque to offer prayer. He was not doing what he used to do along with us every day. My parents found out about his faith in Jesus Christ.
When my mother, father, and all of my family members came to know about Musthafa’s new faith in Jesus Christ, they were very upset. We being Muslims did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. According to the Quran, He is just one of the prophets among many other prophets. Allah does not have sons or daughters and we did not believe in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ because we believed that before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ Allah took Him up into the Heavens. Christians thought that Jesus was crucified on the cross and even Jews thought that they have crucified Jesus Christ, whereas we believed they crucified someone else whose face was changed by Allah into the likeness of the face of Jesus Christ. We were also believing the Bible has been changed by the Christians, Jesus Christ came only for the Jews, and He promised about Mohammed in the Bible, who then came as a messenger of Allah for the entire world and we have to follow only Mohammed now.
My parents were very unhappy and they were very angry with Musthafa. For many days arguments and discussions between Koran and Bible were going on but none of the other party got convinced. However, my parents noticed that whenever my brother prayed in the Name of Jesus healings were taking place. The sick people suffering with cancer tumors, the blind, the lame, and demon possessed people were getting healed when he prayed for them in the Name of Jesus and these things were under observation of my mother and father.
One day my mother’s cousin’s sister, my aunt, came to visit us. She was suffering with the disease of blood hemorrhage (The Issue of Blood) since many days and became very weak because of continuous flow of blood. She expected my mother to take her to a good doctor. Meanwhile, my mother asked my brother to pray for her and my brother agreed to pray for her. We all accepted and we were watching as he laid his hands on her and began to pray. As Musthafa started praying for her, suddenly she fell down on the floor and a screaming voice came out of her saying, “I will not leave her, I will not leave her!” and we understood that she was possessed by an evil spirit. As I was observing, whenever my brother took the Name of Jesus that demon which was inside of my aunt was shivering out of terror and closing its ears. My brother questioned that spirit, “Who are you?” The demon spirit said, “I am a spirit sent by a person who was this women’s enemy and wanted to kill her with this disease.” When Musthafa said, “In the Name of Jesus Christ leave her!” that evil spirit was shivering and left her saying, “Because of you I am leaving her or else I would have killed her.” After some time she got up and asked us, “What happened to me, and why was I on the floor?”
I asked her, “Do you know what all you spoke?” She said she didn’t know anything about what had happened to her and what all she spoke. All she knew was she is healed! She could feel that healing and comfort and strength in her body; there was no pain, no flow of blood. She was full of joy and a great glow of happiness was on her face.
As this whole thing happened in front of my eyes I started reasoning, “Why evil spirit left in the Name of Jesus Christ? Why not in any other prophet’s name? Why the evil spirit obeyed the command which was given in the Name of Jesus Christ? What is there in the Name of Jesus Christ that even evil spirit had obeyed to that Name? Why not the name of Mohammed? What Power or Authority does the Name of Jesus contain?” My mind was filled with all these kinds of thoughts and reasonings.

My search for Truth:

I decided to read the Bible to know about Jesus Christ who is claimed to be the Son of God by Christians. With an open heart in search of Truth I started reading the Bible. As I was reading, I came across Scripture in the Gospel according to Mark 16:16-18 where in the 17th verse Jesus Christ said, “These signs will accompany those who have believed; in My Name they will cast out demons...” (NASB). This verse of Scripture almost knocked me down and it opened my spiritual eyes. When I read this verse which was spoken by Jesus Christ approximately 2000 years ago, I was amazed to see that the Word of Jesus Christ is true and still alive and that Word is working. It had manifested in front of my eyes and it is containing Life even now; still there is Life in those words. According to this Scripture, when my brother commanded the evil spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ, the evil spirit left. I could not deny the fact that the words of Jesus Christ are true and had manifested in front of my eyes.
This incident brought faith in me in the Word of Jesus Christ. My Muslim spiritual leaders had taught me that even if Jesus was given the Gospel, it is only for that time and for those people. If that was true, how come the words of Jesus Christ are working now? With this incident I understood that the words of Jesus Christ are not just for that time and for those people but for all the people for all generations till the end. I understood that, “If this Word of Jesus Christ has proved itself to be true, then all the words of Jesus Christ in the Bible, whatever He said about Himself and who He is, must be true.” As I continued to read the Bible, each and every doubt and misconception about Jesus Christ and His Word (Bible) was answered. I have got all the answers for all the allegations made by Muslims about Jesus Christ and the Christian Doctrine. When I read the Word of God in the Bible, it corrected me and made me understand all of the wrong teachings against Christian Theology which I was taught by Muslim Theologians.
By the words of Jesus Christ, for the first time in my whole life I was introduced to God as a loving Father to whom I could go closer and speak to Him personally and fellowship with Him. For the first time the emptiness in my spirit was filled with God’s Love and His Presence. I understood the Love of God and the purpose and plan of God which manifested through Jesus Christ by sending Him into the world to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world. And also the Judgment of the world as we see in the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel according to John 3:16-17 which says: “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved” (KJV).
I understood that salvation is a free gift to all humankind through Jesus Christ from God, which man cannot achieve it by his good works. I realized God the Father had imputed Power in the Name of Jesus Christ for his Glory when I read the Epistle written by Apostle Paul to the Philippians Chapter 2:8-11: “And being found in fashion (appearance) as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth: and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of the Father” (KJV).
On December 24th of 1998 I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and took baptism. Since then the call of God and the strong passionate urge in me to preach His Gospel and His Word of Truth to the dying world has been very strong like a burning fire in my heart. I resigned my job from a multinational company and I dedicated my life to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Word of Truth all over the world till my last breath.


My brother Musthafa and I started preaching the Gospel. As the days were going on, this news of our conversion spread all over the town and it was very embarrassing to my parents as, being an example to our whole Muslim community in our town and among all of our relatives, my father and mother felt very ashamed because they felt that it’s a shameful act on our family’s name that my brother and I were following Christianity and preaching the Gospel. But as the days passed, one after the other of my family members accepted the Gospel and came to Jesus Christ miraculously as the Lord opened their hearts like He opened the heart of Lydia (Acts 16:14).

My Mother And Father Accepted Jesus Christ:

One day my mother questioned God, “If what my sons are preaching is the Truth, I want to know about it.” As she prayed she saw a vision in that she saw Jesus Christ. His whole body was wounded and blood was flowing from all over His body. When my mother saw this she could not bear it and she accepted Jesus Christ.
Though my mother accepted Jesus Christ, she was a secret believer because of my father. One day as my father was driving his train, he got down to check the engine. After checking it, he was getting back inside the engine and suddenly he felt something bite him on his leg. But he ignored it and by the time he came home his leg was swollen. When he consulted the doctor the doctor said, “It is elephantiasis and there is no cure or medication for this disease.” My father was upset, feeling sad and thinking, “Why has this disease come to me since in my whole genealogy no one has gotten such a kind of a disease?”
We took the opportunity to share about Jesus Christ and we told him that Jesus Christ is all capable to heal him. Immediately my father said, “If He heals me I will believe in Him and accept Him as my Lord and Savior.” We prayed for him and we gave him a bottle of oil. We told him, “This oil represents the blood of Christ which He shed for you on the cross and by faith apply it.” My father took the oil bottle and whenever he got the time in his working hours he applied it. When he returned from his work after two days, all the peels fell from his leg and his leg became normal. He was amazed at this miracle and this miracle brought faith in him and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and also he took baptism.
One by one in our family everyone accepted Jesus Christ. My sisters, their husbands, all of their children. Even my second brother, who was against us and used to criticize us, accepted Jesus Christ. Of course everyone had experienced miracles in their lives when we prayed for them so all of them accepted Jesus Christ.


We have been excommunicated by Muslims from our religion and from our relatives, and all who were near and dear had forsaken us. Being reproached for the Name of Christ we esteemed ourselves to be blessed because He made us worthy to suffer shame for His Name. Many times being threatened to be killed we never looked back. Whatever we have suffered and are still suffering, it is nothing before Our Lord’s Love and Crucifixion for us.
In our same town we started the Church Ministry by the call of God and we went on preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the villages which are all around the town and district. I have worked with Campus Crusade for Christ. I took The Jesus Film projector and went on doing Evangelism all around the villages and even into deep forests where tribal people lived, showing The Jesus Film and preaching the Gospel. Many came to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. The Church was increasing day by day; many people were joining the Church as the Ministry expanded all around.
I have done Master of Divinity in Theological Studies (M.Div), Master of Theology in Christian Apologetics (M.Th), and now I am doing Doctor of Theology in Apologetics (D.Th).
The Lord led me to Mumbai to minister in a new mission field, especially among the Muslims. I shifted to Mumbai in June 2005 along with my wife Susan to start the Ministry called “Winning Muslims for Christ.”

Winning Muslims For Christ Ministry:

This Ministry is working among Muslims, having committed to the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Go into all the World, and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Jesus Christ commanded us to preach the Gospel to all creation. All will not be all without Muslims.
If we see throughout the history of the Church and even now, the only people who were not being evangelized are Muslims. We find very few people from the Muslim background who have come to the Lord all over the world. If the Lord questions the Church, “Have you preached the gospel to all creation?” the Church may respond, “Except to Muslims, Oh Lord!”
In Matthew 8:5-13, we see a centurion coming to Jesus and asking Him to heal his servant who is sick and suffering with palsy. Jesus said in verse 7, “I will come and heal him,” but the centurion said in verse 8, “Lord, I am not worthy for you to come under my roof: but just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Verse 10 says that when Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those who were following, “Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel.” He continues in verse 11, “I say to you that many will come from EAST and west, and recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven” (NASB).
Jesus said, “Many will come from EAST and west.” Who are there in the EAST? In the EAST we see all Muslim nations. I believe that this is the time for them to come to Christ.

Two Reasons Why Muslims Are Not Evangelized:

When I was praying to God He spoke to my heart and gave me the two reasons why Muslims are not being evangelized:
(1) The Church is neglecting the Muslims and thinking that it is someone else’s work.
(2) Though some Churches want to evangelize Muslims, they do not know how to do so.

The Vision And Mission:

The Vision and Mission of this Ministry is to impart the vision and burden for Muslims in the Churches and to train and equip the Churches for Muslim Evangelism. This Ministry conducts Training Programs, Conferences and Seminars to train and equip the Churches and the individuals for Muslim evangelism.
By this I can once again say that the Word of God according to Romans 10:20 has been fulfilled in my life and in the lives of my family members: “I was found by those who did not seek Me; I became manifest to those who did not ask for Me.”
Let all the Glory and Honor be unto God Almighty who is rich in His Mercy and Grace. Amen.
Please pray for me and for the Muslim ministry that I am doing.
Yours in Christ’s Service,
Rev. Peter Akbar
Mumbai, India
For further information please contact me at:wmfc@rediffmail.com / peterakbar@rediffmail.com